Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Going Back to Work

Going Back to Work

Today I went back to working. It was super exhausting. When I arrived, there were rats and other various cold blooded animals ready for me to work on. (EW!!) But I guess I'm used to it since I've been doing this for almost forever. I performed more tests on them and continued to cut them open. I think I may be closer to finding out about how the blood moves thought our body! How cool is that? Today I came across this organ that is located in the animal with many veins connected to it, in every single animal. It sort of seems like an office in our body because it brings blood (which is in the veins) to other places of our body. I believe it pumps majority of the blood throughout our body. It’s a bit hard to understand at first glance since I am just using my bare eyes. There is no microscope I could accurately look through so I would need to go back and double check. I'll keep you guys updated and post a few more pictures and sketches of my advancements.

I would practice vivisection in order to learn more about the heart. Many people disagree in this but i believe it is the simplest thing to do since many people won't give up their lives for me nor was it religiously acceptable to cut open the dead. Yet, there were many people who believed in this practice since it was better than performing this on humans. "
if we carefully watch the movements of the heart in the vivisection of an animal, we shall perceive four motions distinct in time and in place, two of which are proper to the auricles, two to the ventricles. With all deference to such authority I say that there are four motions distinct in point of place, but not of time; for the two auricles move together, and so also do the two ventricles, in such wise that though the places be four, the times are only two." (Chapter 4) 
To examine the heart, I used animals of many different species and then cut into their chest. I would take away the bone and muscle in order to see the heart. I don't use and pain-killing medication because after all, theyre just animals. Also, pain medication could change the rate that the heart usually works in. “The motions of the dying heart were particularly informative.” (Chapter 2) The thing I don't understand is how people do not believe my results. Very few people mind that I perform on animals but even so, the results are clear and simple. They have been recorded and written. What is there not to believe?

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